Friday, November 29, 2019

National Music Studio. SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis gives an internal assessment of an organization by exploring its weakness, strengths, opportunities, and threats resulting from outside environment. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to present an explicit review of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the business environment of National Music Studio.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on National Music Studio. SWOT Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Strengths The main strength of National Music Studio is presence of a well established marketing network. As a result, the school is able to reduce cost of advertisement since it depends on referrals from the experienced pool of staff to widen its catchment. National Music Studio has adopted a state-of-art teaching system to carry out its operations and services with clients and visiting persons. Through the use qualified teachers with good personality, the school has been able to increase confidence levels of its clients. The school operates two branches in Halifax-Dartmouth area. This gives the school an upper hand in controlling operations and offering balanced services. Besides, the school has strong reputation and favorable network of teachers who double up as its marketers. Due to its strong brand name, the school is well positioned to further its goal of establishing a new branch within Halifax-Dartmouth area, especially in the Central Business District. Weaknesses Numerous views by the respondents of the survey indicate that the school has minimal amenities such as parking spaces and shopping outlets. This has a substantial chance of minimizing the number of students who can be admitted there. A major challenge that the school faces is managing a large network of students with different needs. Reflectively, coordination is required among its teachers, marketers and administrators to manage these needs. Apparently, coordination is stil l below the required standard for a school of this magnitude. Moreover, the survey presents a serious challenge on marketing since many potential students cannot remember its name in the unguided interview results. As a matter of fact, this aspect may require a lot of resources to carry out campaigns in the highly structured neighborhood that doubles up as its main catchment area. As indicated in the survey, the poor location of one of its constituent branches is a challenge in running the school. Threats Halifax-Dartmouth has large multi-faceted music education schools serving over 10,000 students. This means that competition is very stiff as indicated in the survey. The number of competitors offering same services as National Music Studio is twelve. Despite its extensive catchment area, this is a real threat towards survival of this school. Besides, the survey indicates that there is an apparent shift in tastes and preferences of student as emerging collages seem to offer cheaper music education than National Music Store.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Opportunities Advancement in technology and information gives National Music Studio an opportunity to embrace latest teaching skills in offering customized courses to its students. When implemented, this would help the school to offer cheap and innovative alternatives to teaching and learning music. Besides increasing effectiveness of its educational obligations, the school may double up as a music equipment selling store to ensure that it meets all the needs of its students. Due to its large catchment area, there is an unfulfilled education needs for the many students who would wish to join a music school after graduating from high school. Besides, the existence of music instrument store within its premises is a great opportunity for uniformity in its operations since students will have an opportuni ty to purchase and hire instruments within the proximity of their learning environment. This report on National Music Studio. SWOT Analysis was written and submitted by user Galilea B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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